Medicare Roadmap
Choose your path.
Choose a path to complete your Medicare plan.
Which direction? Use this Medicare Roadmap to simplify the two Medicare insurance path options. Stay left on the Medicare Roadmap, keeping Original Medicare as the “truck” or primary insurance for your healthcare needs. Now, add a Medicare Supplement Plan and/or a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan. Think of these as “trailers” or secondary policies trailing Medicare and picking up costs that Original Medicare doesn’t cover. Part D doesn’t actually follow Medicare, but for simplicity, it is added to your Original Medicare– helping pick up prescription costs for your medications.
Or flip a u-turn and head right on the Medicare Roadmap. “Trade-in” or sign over your Medicare to a Medicare Advantage Plan. Also, known as Part C or an “alternative to Medicare.” These plans are networked (.i.e HMO in-network physicians only) and must provide equivalent benefits to what Original Medicare Part A and Part B of Medicare would offer. However, they may include additional benefits and services. For example, they typically, have a Part D Medicare Prescription Drug Plan included as a “bundle.” Hence, the “all-in-one vehicle” metaphor I’ve used to simplify this Medicare Plan path.
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Choose your Medicare plan path
Medicare Roadmap Left
Keep Medicare
"The truck or primary insurance for your healthcare coverage.
Part A – “premium–free” Part B – $174.70+
Add "customized" coverage
"The trailers or secondary insurance added to Medicare as the primary.
Medicare Supplement Plan
Add any Medicare Supplement Plan from insurance company-- you choose.
Medicare Part D Plan (Rx)
Add any Part D Plan in Ca. 22 Part D Plans in 2024-- you choose
Medicare Roadmap Right
"Trade-in" Medicare for Part C
Sign over Medicare to MA Plan which is now your primary insurance. Medicare is no longer your primary insurance.
Medicare Advantage Plan
"Alternative all-in-one vehicle" for your Medicare health coverage.
Part C is "bundled" coverage
(You must still pay Part B – $174.70+)
Medicare Part D (Rx) included
Most Medicare Advantage Plans include a Part D plan which is “bundled” inside the “alternative” Medicare Advantage Plan product.” Often built around a limited HMO network, Additional products and services may be included for free or for an additional cost. Plans vary by county.
Medicare Roadmap - Left
Physician & Provider Access: Keeping Medicare as your primary means you can see any physician or provider that accepts Medicare in the U.S. There are no networks with Original Medicare as it is a fee-for-service program. Add any Medicare Supplement Plan, from any insurance company, to fill in the gaps of coverage. Being that they are the all standardized, they will all “hitch to the truck” and follow. On this path left, you’ll pay more for your coverage, but will have the most access to physicians without the need for referrals as well as predictable out-of-pocket expenses that make it easy to budget for throughout retirement.
Medicare Roadmap - Right
Physician & Provider Access: Signing over, or “trading-in” your Medicare to the “alternative plan” or Part C Medicare Advantage Plan may seem great as it all comes in one package. It’s not quite what it seems. The access to physicians is much more limited as well is the ability to control your own healthcare needs–referrals and authorizations can cause some headaches for clients who want more control of who they see and when. These plans are more affordable on a monthly basis, however, they can cost clients much more out-of-pocket when used– see OOP Max limits when Comparing Medicare Advantage Plans.